Step 1: Pick the tools needed for marine surveying.
independent marine surveyors about procedure of doing marine surveying The tools needed to inspect a competent profane are found around most households. If you do not have a multimeter, you can buy one for less than $ 20.00.
book for noting , measuring tape , flashlight, small hammer (plastic or brass head hard preferred), binoculars (for columns), small mirror, paper towels, multi-tools . Some long thin thing as an ice pick (I use old dental tools) and some popsicle sticks (I Poké in trade in heat and cooling tanks to see if there is rust or mud in bottom). Your most important tool is the camera. I take all my pictures when I arrive General, exterior, interior, engine compartment, navigation equipment and electrical panels. For the rest of the inspection I keep handy device for photographing specific issues such as I discover them.
My tools (most of which you do not have to) include all of the above and hygrometer, infrared thermometer, thermal camera, love, magnifying glasses, waterproof snake camera, multimeter, voltage tester, socket tester, Barco Tester, corrosion meters.
independent marine surveyors about procedure of doing marine surveying The tools needed to inspect a competent profane are found around most households. If you do not have a multimeter, you can buy one for less than $ 20.00.
book for noting , measuring tape , flashlight, small hammer (plastic or brass head hard preferred), binoculars (for columns), small mirror, paper towels, multi-tools . Some long thin thing as an ice pick (I use old dental tools) and some popsicle sticks (I Poké in trade in heat and cooling tanks to see if there is rust or mud in bottom). Your most important tool is the camera. I take all my pictures when I arrive General, exterior, interior, engine compartment, navigation equipment and electrical panels. For the rest of the inspection I keep handy device for photographing specific issues such as I discover them.
My tools (most of which you do not have to) include all of the above and hygrometer, infrared thermometer, thermal camera, love, magnifying glasses, waterproof snake camera, multimeter, voltage tester, socket tester, Barco Tester, corrosion meters.